Episode 2: Coaching 101 & The 15 Minute Coaching Framework

June 12, 2024

Coaching Basics You Can Start Using Today

Summary: In this episode, Kristiana Corona explores the world of professional coaching, distinguishing it from other leadership techniques like mentoring, teaching, and performance management. She introduces a practical 15-minute coaching framework and shares essential tips for creating an effective coaching environment.

Key Points:

  1. Introduction to Professional Coaching:

    • Coaching is distinct from therapy, mentoring, teaching, and managing.
    • Focuses on the present and future, helping individuals realize their potential.
  2. Differences Between Coaching and Other Leadership Techniques:

    • Therapy: Addresses and helps resolve issues by delving into the past. Coaching differs in that it focuses on the present version of you and helps you make progress towards the future your want for yourself. Note: Coaching is not a replacement for professional therapy or medical advice.
    • Mentoring: Involves sharing personal experiences and advice. Coaching does not share personal experiences or give advice. Rather it relies on the employee's own intuition and creativity to come up with solutions.
    • Teaching/Managing: Provides clear instructions and feedback for specific, near term tasks. Coaching, on the other hand, gives the employee the freedom to explore their own solutions.
    • Performance Management: Requires direct, actionable feedback to meet specific performance goals. Coaching is a good companion to this process after clear expectations about performance improvement have been stated. 
  3. When Not to Use Coaching:

    • Employees who are experiencing a high level of distress and are unable to commit to any change (or even experiment with new ideas) would be best served by therapy or employee assistance programs. 
    • Urgent or emergency situations when speed it critical and direct guidance is required.
    • New or junior employees who need specific information to do their job (ex. where to find files, who to talk to find answers, etc)
    • Coaching cannot take the place of clear performance management conversations. In situations where you must be direct and let the employee know that they are not meeting expectations, coaching should be used as a follow-up, not as the primary communication.
  4. 15-Minute Coaching Framework:

    • Intro: Ask open-ended questions to set the stage
    • Clarify Focus: Understand the specific problem 
    • Envision Success: Ask questions to visualize a successful outcome 
    • Explore Possibilities: Encourage brainstorming solutions 
    • Define Actions: Help them commit to concrete actions 
    • Wrap-Up: Reflect on the conversation and affirm their efforts 
  5. Creating an Effective Coaching Environment:

    • Silence Alerts: Eliminate distractions and do NOT multi-task.
    • Private Space: Ensure conversations are confidential.
    • Avoid Giving Advice: Focus on asking questions and keep an open mind.
    • Non-Judgmental Approach: Be a neutral third party - allow them to explore ideas without judgment. 
    • Express Gratitude: Thank them for their openness and honesty.

Wrap up:

  • Embrace coaching (no matter how awkward it feels when you start!) to empower your team and enhance your leadership skills.
  • Stay curious, listen actively, and practice regularly for meaningful change.


Follow Up:

  • Share your experiences using the framework with me! I'd love to hear how it works for you.
  • You can also submit questions or scenarios for me to consider covering in future episodes of the podcast.


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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Mentoring, Teaching, Performance Management, Professional Development, Executive Coaching, Leadership Skills, Team Development.