Episode 1: The one thing that changed everything about how I lead

June 3, 2024

Welcome to my leadership journey

Have you ever been a new leader (or aspired to be one) and felt this nagging feeling that maybe you don't have what it takes? Have you tried to do what you thought leaders were supposed to do, but then realized it felt all wrong? Like you were pretending to be something you're not? I have!

In this episode, I dig deep and share exactly where I started my leadership journey - awkward missteps and all! I share frameworks and insights I've learned along the way that now guide me as I face new or challenging situations, so that you don't have to do it alone.

And most importantly, I tell you the ONE THING that changed everything about how I lead. The one thing that opened my eyes to the way that I had always wanted to lead and made it possible. Tune in to find out what caused this dramatic shift in my mindset, skills and feelings of worthiness, and how you can use it to empower and unleash your best leadership style as well!

Tools & Frameworks shared in this episode

1. How to know when to say "yes" to challenges that scare you

Have you ever been faced with an opportunity that was so big, so challenging that it made you feel that weird sensation of exhilarating excitement and shaky panic all at the same time? What did you do when that opportunity presented itself? Did you fearlessly leap in or did you freeze? Maybe you procrastinated on making a decision by analyzing it from every possible angle. Or maybe you asked everyone else what they thought you should do, because the idea of making this decision on your own was too much pressure.

If you've ever been in this situation, it feels high stakes and you don't want to make the wrong decision, but it is so hard to think things through logically in that moment. Rather than starting from a place of panic or overwhelm, try using this framework to help bring confidence and clarity to the outcome. This is the framework I wish I had when choosing to become a leader so many years ago!

Download my FREE Big Decision Resolution Framework and give it a try. I'd love to know how it works for you! https://www.resonantpurpose.com/big-decision-resolution-framework

2. Empowering your mindset when you're starting at the beginning

When you're faced with a situation where you have to become a beginner again, it can feel SO awkward and uncomfortable. You may just want to ditch the situation altogether because you think "I'll never be good at this!" Instead, try focusing on these empowering beliefs that can help you persevere through the tough moments and believe that they'll be worth it.

  1. This awkwardness or anxiety you’re feeling means that you’re pushing yourself further than you ever have before, and that’s something to be proud of.
  2. These feelings won’t last forever. They are signals to pay attention to, but they don’t define your identity or what you’re capable of.
  3. You are in a “growing phase” or a “rebuilding phase” right now and the only direction you have to go is up.
  4. All great leaders started at the beginning. You see often them when they’re farther down the path, but don’t think that they didn’t go through these same struggles.
  5. Ten years from now you’ll look back on this moment and be amazed at how far you’ve come because you didn’t give up.


Helpful Tip for my listeners

If you'd like to create your own podcast and do high quality video interviews in a way that feels fun and not overwhelming, check out Riverside.fm, my recording software of choice. Unlike other complex recording and editing softwares, it's SO easy to learn. Riverside transcribes the text for you, allowing you to remove words, phrases, pauses and UMMs from the transcript with the click of a button, just like editing in Microsoft Word. So cool! It's free to try anytime, but if you want to take advantage of some next level features like Magic Audio, AI-generated show notes, transcriptions in 100 languages, built in teleprompters and more, check out the Pro level, which is what I use. Instead of feeling like a daunting chore, you'll look forward to recording and editing in Riverside. Give it a try for your next project! Try Riverside.fm